Litigation can be overwhelming. For someone who has no experience, the rules of procedure alone can be intimidating, let alone building, supporting, and persuasively arguing your case Engaging a litigation attorney in real estate offers real benefits, which include.
- Determining the right legal action to take
- Interpreting any contracts and/or legal action against you
- Obtaining additional and relevant documentation you may not possess yourself
- Drafting documents needed to move your case toward a resolution
- Corresponding effectively with other parties, particularly their attorneys, to negotiate a settlement or non-trial resolution
- Taking the proper steps to bring a case to court or counter a case brought against you in case a non-trial resolution is not reached
- Oversee your case from start to finish
- Defend your rights and protect your interests
A real estate dispute can be all-consuming. Retaining competent legal counsel may be the best way – both for you and your business – to resolve your real estate problem.
For more information on real estate litigation, contact Bryan L. Jeffries at [email protected] or 614.812.7660.